Make sure appointments aren't scheduled too close together and stay on time! You can now enable drive time calculation on your shopping cart. When offering appointments to clients, we'll calculate the actual drive time from appointment to appointment during their ordering process. The travel time even factors in traffic based on the time of day! 

Watch the video below for a demo:

How to enable calculated drive time

Click the steps below for a detailed walk-through:

    Step 1: Go to your Shopping Cart

    Step 2: Select "Calculated Drive Time" in the Drive Time Computation Mode drop-down

    Step 3: Go to your Account App Integration page

    Step 4: Ensure "Clients Choose Date and Time" is selected for Appointment Mode


Step 1: Click on Business at the top of the page and then Shopping Cart on the left-hand side. Note: You will need to be using a Google Calendar Enhanced shopping cart in order to use the Drive Time feature.

Step 2: In the Drive Time Computation Mode drop-down menu, change from "Fixed Drive Time" to "Calculated Drive Time".

Step 3: Click on Account at the top of the page and then App Integration on the left-hand side.

Step 4: In your Google Calendar integration settings, ensure that "Clients Choose Date and Time" is selected in the Appointment Mode drop-down menu.

For any additional questions, our Support team is ready to help you!

Phone/Text:- 509-515-3338
