Whether you are offering a promo or rewarding clients for choosing certain products, you can offer free products on your shopping cart!  This can be useful in showing your clients all that they will receive when working with you, including products that won't cost them a thing.

How to set up a free product

Click the steps below for a detailed walk-through:

    Demo Video

    Step 1: Click the Business tab

    Step 2: Click the Shopping Cart tab

    Step 3: Click "Create a New Product"

    Step 4: Fill in Product Details

    Step 5: In Price box, click arrow and choose "Show as FREE"

    Step 6: If using as add-on, select Dependencies

    Step 7: Click "Save Updates"

    Step 8: Test order to see setup

Watch the video below for a demo:


Step 1: Click the Business tab at the top of the page.

Step 2: Click the Shopping Cart tab on the left-hand side.

Step 3: In the Product Category that you would like your free product to be displayed, click the "Create a New Product" option.

Step 4: Fill in the Product Name, Description, and Time on Site.

Step 5: Click in the Price box and then click the arrow that appears to the right.  Select "Show as FREE" to make this a free product.

Step 6:  If you would like this free product to be an add-on to another product, click the Dependencies tab on the left.  Click here for a full walk-through on creating dependent products.

Step 7: Click "Save Updates" to finish creating your free product.

Step 8: Test an order to see how your free product will display on your shopping cart!

For any additional questions, our Support team is ready to help you!

Phone/Text:- 509-515-3338

Email: Support@HDPhotoHub.com