When your clients are paying an outstanding balance, you can now enable the ability for them to leave a tip! This is an excellent way for them to reward you and your team members for an outstanding job and will put more money in your pocket! Take a look below on how you can enable tipping.
How to enable accepting tips
Click the steps below for a detailed walk-through:
Step 1: Click the Business tab
Step 2: Click the Default Settings tab
Step 3: Scroll to Billing Options
Step 4: Click 'Allow Tips when Order Balances are Being Paid'
Step 5: Choose a Tip Payout Mode
Step 6: Choose a Suggested Tip type
Step 7: Enter suggested tip amounts, if needed
Step 8: Click 'Save Changes'
Step 9: See Tips on Site Summary
Step 1: Click the Business tab at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click the Default Settings tab on the left-hand side of the page.
Step 3: Scroll down to the Billing Options section.
Step 4: Click the checkbox for the 'Allow Tips When Order Balances are Being Paid' option. This will enable tipping when your clients are paying towards an outstanding balance.
Step 5: In the Tip Payout Mode drop-down, choose whether you would like the payout to be the 'Business' or 'By Product'. When 'Business' is selected, the entire tip will be giving to the business. When 'By Product' is selected, the tip amount will be divided equally amongst the assigned team members for that order. Note: only products with a Time on Site will be considered when allocating the tip.
Step 6: If you would like, you can enable suggested tip amounts for your clients to use. In the 'Suggested Tip' drop-down menu, choose whether you would like to suggest tips 'By Percentage' or 'By Amount'.
Step 7: If using Suggested Tips, you can enter in your suggested amounts to the 'Low Tip', 'Mid Tip', and 'High Tip' boxes. Note: the amount of the tip will be automatically calculated and added to the Total Due for your client.
Step 8: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save Changes'. Now when your clients go to pay an outstanding balance, they will see the option to leave you/your team members a tip!
Step 9: Once a client has left a tip, the system will automatically create a 'Client Tip' line item on the order for the tip amount and mark it as 'Done'. If multiple team members are receiving a portion of the tip, you will see a 'Client Tip' line item for each team member with their respective tip payout.
Note: this feature is not available for Delivery Logistics orders - only orders placed using a shopping cart.
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